The Best Personalized Skin Care Brands

Briana Gonzalez

More so than ever, personalized skin care is being regarded as vital to proper skin health. While you should consult a dermatologist for cystic and hormonal acne or other more severe- and incredibly normal- skin conditions before trying out new brands, there are many brands offering personalized skin care products suitable for your needs. Personalized skin care just makes sense – we all have different skin types therefore we should all be using different combinations of products best suited to clear and clean our skin. Everyone deserves to feel confident in themselves, so look at these brands to see what could work for you.

Y-our skin  care is rated the number one personalized skin care brand. Their formulas are paraben free, cruelty free, and 100% vegan. Start by taking the skin quiz, which asks a number of questions from your personal skin goals, your age, your skin concerns, sensitivity to the sun and new products and even current skin care regimen. Considering acne and skin health is also attributed to health and environment they take those factors into consideration as well. After filling out the skin quiz, they send an analysis to your email and devise a skin care regimen dependent on your needs.

Skinsei is a brand that begins by offering a 28-question holistic skin care diagnostic in order to give you your own bioprint- a skin map. Based on factors such as exercise, diet, sleep, UV exposure, air quality, skin type, and climate, in order to provide you with your own personalized kit. What is great about Skinsei is that you have a choice of a one-time buy in order to test the products and see if it works for your skin. The products are paraben and sulfate free, contain no phalates or mineral oils which can actually do more harm than good for oily skin. Including plant and vitamin extract, their products are microbiome friendly and pH balanced.

Curology  offers one free trial of three of their products for you to test out. Instead of just a skin quiz, they also rely on skin care selfies (images of your skin as it is in its most natural state for them to see where problem areas are). After receiving your results, they then send you your own customized bottle and recommend you apply nightly or as directed on the container. Customizing the ingredients for your skin, you have access to personal chats with a provider in order to answer any questions through your skin care process.

Atolla is a personalized skin care company that revolves around custom serums. While many other brands may focus on a combination of product types from creams to toners, Atolla’s focus on serums relies on their scientific approach to skin care over more holistic methods. The first step relies on the completion of an at home skin kit; the oil and moisture tests, a pH test, a preference test, and various questions about skin care and lifestyle all are analyzed in order to provide you with their Atolla Skin Report and your own formula. The skin report comes with a breakdown of your skin type and also the ingredients found within your own custom formula.  You are able to purchase a trial offer, but each month as you continue to use the products they evolve the formula for your changing skin and its new needs, making sure you continue to have your best skin. 

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