A Closer Look at the Pain-Killing Benefits of CBD

Many people immediately think of Marijuana when they hear CBD, which sort of makes sense, because the substance is extracted from the Sativa plant species, and marijuana falls under the same species. What actually gives the euphoric “high” effect is a substance found in these plants, like hemp and marijuana, called THC, but CBD does not necessarily contain that. With this clarification, the main substance discussed here is CBD and some of its most important benefits.

One of the main benefits of CBD is how it acts as a natural pain reliever, with much less dangerous side effects than typical pain meds, if any side effects at all. A number of studies that have been done throughout the past decades show that CBD is extremely effective at relieving severe pain that many patients suffer from, among other health benefits. 

Here is a closer look at the pain-killing benefits that CBD has shown great promise in providing, and how it can positively affect people’s health. Many patients prefer it to other medications for its fast effects and almost nonexistent side effects. 

Relieves Back Pain Easily

People who suffer from back pain for various reasons have found that using different forms of the substance has an impressively rapid effect on the pain they experience. Whether the source of pain is their work activity, or lack thereof as a result of sitting down for long hours, or if they’re suffering from back pain that resulted from an injury of any sort, cannabidiol has helped them greatly with this pain. 

Some studies show that the substance can actually help heal the source of the pain and not just manipulate your brain receptors into not feeling it.

It Can Work Like a Charm With Wounds

Some studies done on people and rats show that cannabidiol has great effects on relieving pain from wounds, and it has shown great promise in helping the tissues heal faster. Some people prefer taking CBD oil with food to help them numb the pain, but it’s said that applying topical oil on your wound works faster. The oil, or other forms of the substance, have shown consistent results in healing wounds faster, especially if the wound is infected, or the patient is suffering from diabetes or weak blood circulation.

Studies show that cannabidiol has antibacterial and antifungal properties which help your body to build tissues faster and heal any infections that may be the cause of the slow healing. CBD also has anti-inflammatory properties as well, which help with healing any scars along with numbing the pain.

Highly Effective Neuropathic Pain

Neuropathic pain is caused by any malfunction in the nerves of the nervous system. Cannabidiol has proven to be quite effective at helping patients who suffer from neuropathic pain, as it either manipulates the brain into “thinking” your body is not in pain anymore by sending neuro signals to the brain to produce dopamine, one of the substances responsible for making us feel happy, and by blocking signals from reaching your brain that leads to feeling pain.

Although more studies need to be done to further understand and scientifically prove the effects of CBD, the results available so far have shown great positive effects on pain relief. There have been some studies that show symptoms of side effects, while others show there are minor to no negative side effects of CBD. People who take it in different forms though have experienced wonderfully positive effects.