7 Coffee Rules You Should Never Break

There is nothing like a good coffee buzz. Caffeine is considered to be one of the most popular psychoactive "drugs" in the world, so there is no wonder why humans have been drinking coffee for centuries since it is a natural source of caffeine. After drinking it, people can feel like their tasks are melting away and that they are invincible.

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The majority not only drink it because of the taste but while working on something creative as well. Every coffee addict knows how much joy and energy it can bring and can lift your energy up because of its composition. Regardless if you like drinking it at a cafe or at home, there are few things one should always follow when it comes to coffee. Actually, seven of them. For such reasons, this article will inform you of "coffee rules" that should never be broken. 

Be Patient

If you like making your own coffee, it should never be done in a random and lazy way. Meaning, your brewing method should always be researched and should be compared to other methods. By studying brewing tricks, your coffee will be enhanced. 

For instance, many roasteries would provide individuals with their recommended brewing instructions on their websites, and there are plenty of Youtube videos you can watch. Start out there. There are a vast number of resources online to choose from which can make you start. 

Be Kind to Baristas

Since coffee can be an excellent resource when getting started your morning, it is important to remember that no-one represents an absolute authority of coffee. Although that may be true, baristas have a head start with coffee brewing and usually, they are willing to help you with any questions you might have. For that reason, a rule you should always follow is to be kind to your barista. It is understandable that you might need your caffeine fix in order to function like a proper human being in the morning. 

Even so, have in mind that it is important to not take your morning stress out on your barista, no matter how rough the day has started for you. Even if you find yourself buying a coffee for a go and you will wait just for a few minutes to get your precious coffee, always be respectful and kind. You never know what kind of day the person across the counter has. 

Be Moderate

Keep things moderate. Meaning, do not chase the coffee high. This mistake most often ends up in tears. This would be the first rule of drinking any kind of stimulant, including coffee. From when you start your first coffee and decide to go to the next one, there should be at least a 2-hour break in between. This rule can be broken, although there are consequences you will have to deal with. 

The reason is that the active ingredient in coffee is really not a neurotransmitter. This implies that coffee does not work in a way to give you more food for your brain. Actually, there is nothing that your brain would need from coffee. This vital organ is tricked by caffeine and just makes more endorphins as a result. That works only as long the brain is dry, afterwards, it would need to recuperate. So, in order to let the coffee use its charms, you need to take breaks.   

Be Prepared

In order to experience the wonderful taste of coffee and its complex flavors, while brewing, you should always use fresh beans. They start to lose their aroma and taste, as well as begin to take on a bitter flavor only after about 2 to 3 weeks from the time the coffee beans have been roasted. This bitter taste forms because the oils and sugar start to leave the coffee making the bland spoil on the inside. And as professionals from www.blackinkcoffee.com would confirm, when grounded fresh, coffee tastes better. So when brewing, the rule is not to use pre-bought blends and mixes since probably they are too old for consumption. The taste simply is not at its best. It is always good to ask around in case you are the type of person who is not familiar with where the best coffee beans come from. Also, it would be wise to make sure you select coffees that only come from sources with a good reputation. There are a few different types of coffee beans, for instance, Arabica bean coffees are widely popular, and their flavor has an extensive range while Robusta beans are good however if you want to not spend as much money.

Be Aware That the Preparation Process is Different

The preparation is not always the same. Specialty coffee will take a bit longer to brew than to just make it in a set-­and­-go coffee pot. As a matter of fact, it can only ruin the quality. 

A few extra moments you take out of your morning to brew it will result in a way that is worth every taste of your time spent on preparation. 

If you want the best of both worlds, you should
go for AeroPress which is an immersion technique that uses a medium grind. Finding the perfect coffee machine is an essential part of producing the perfect cup. You can also try to rent coffee machine to find the right brand for you before committing to a big spend.

Be Responsible With Yourself

It seems hard to fathom for the majority of coffee enthusiasts, but coffee should not be taken every day. It is perfectly normal to have a morning ritual that involves a cup that represents comfort, although it is not advisable. Decaf coffee or some teas can do the work just as well. 

Be Sugar-Free

Since sugar definitely makes coffee taste nicer, the result would be you drinking your cup faster. As a true coffee drinker that wants for their buzz to last, you will not add it. 


Bitter coffee comes a long way. And after all, there are many commercial coffees whose half a teaspoon is away from sugar overdose. In case of luck follows you, there will be around 6 teaspoons of sugar in your mochaccino unless you brew it yourself. 

Experimenting with grind sizes, water temperatures, and ratios, brewing over the ice when making your coffee at home, or just purchasing a nice cup at a local coffee shop comes with a set of rules you should follow. 

Every part of the brewing process is variable which should be remembered, although these 7 "regulations" do not change. Acting according to them will make your coffee drinking experience even more memorable and better, so there is no valid reason to cross them over.